K-12 Partnerships

Education Solutions Ages 5-18

We are leaders in EduTech and Pedagogical Solutions and we are Authorized Education Partners with Microsoft. We bring years of experience to the education sector where we streamline budgets and create extremely innovative solutions to increase STEAM Learning and to collaborate with School Boards for comprehensive packages that can scale and are trusted. We use a combination of Office 365 for Education, Dynamics 365 Education Accelerator, and our own publishing media to give schools A to Z solutions for literacy in various subjects and mediums.

Listed below are the EduTech solutions built by Tao Learning specifically for K-12 Schools.


This ecosystem is 100% open-source and designed entirely by the Curiosity Corporation. We have been contracted by numerous education facilities internationally to implement this solution for over 10 years and it continues to be the central education solution for over 100 schools we've worked with, but more importantly is made up of software trusted by Ivy League schools and prestigiuos K-12 programs worldwide. Pedadida makes use of industry-standard LMS software such as Moodle, Wordpress, ResourceSpace, FengOffice, SMF Forum. All of these are popular PHP-Based free tools that can be ran on simple servers in low-cost school environments where you will have complete control and completely licensing without any need for corporate sponsors. For those worried about corporate access to your school data or those seeking heavy customization, this is a great solution. If you also want to give students access with no need to connect to the internet, we also recommend this direction. The Pedadida platform combines the benefits of all these applications and can be up and running on your own servers in less than a month.

Steam Hive

This pedagogical system is centric on cloud productivity and the Microsoft Ecosystem. It is essentially a Sharepoint site that sits in front of the back-end tools available inside of Office 365 for Education, Dynamics 365 Education Accelerator, along with a DevOps strategy designed by Curiosity Corporation to make best use of all the applications. We have partnered with Fortune 500s to figure out the best skills needed by students and then we have prioritized that skill training within this framework. We also have utilized O365 for Education to create entire classes geared towards international test standards, whether that be O-Levels, A-Levels, SAT-Prep, or US State-Based education requirements.

Supplementary Learning


This platform motivates students to discover their own path in life, to love books, and to love tech. We introduce the basics to Office 365, Cloud Productivity, and encourage students to make mistakes and create new habits in learning.

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The dojo teaches computer programming with digital courses and live streaming by our experts. It is quite philosophical and teaches the difference between a coding ninja and a cowboy coder for students of all levels.

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In the focus Hive, we emphasize the importance of soft skills, agile methodology, communication, teamwork, and day-to-day work performance to take students out of the classroom and to let them experience hive mentality.

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We advance education in a P-20+ Initiative through the Curiosity Consortium and a variety of learning programs. The consortium is a full-service literacy program from Preschool to Career Advancement, covering over 25 years of education with multiple specialized programs to increase awareness, literacy, and inspiration for knowledge within each student on a worldwide scale.

The consortium has programs segregated into age, nation, genre, and societal needs of the time. We have created this for over 20 years and continue to expand literacy programs in areas we feel are needed for future community development. The Consortium has a strong focus on STEAM Education, Health & Wellness, Mental Health, developing a passion for knowledge, and literacy in all top career fields. The literacy programs are quite unique in that we treat software, soft skills, and life skills as languages where we continue to train students until we see they are fully fluent in the vocabulary. All the programs are interconnected and utilize our Curiosity Score to gauge the participation and aptitude achieved by each student. The Curiosity Corporation continues to bring on education partners to refine these while staying true to our pedagogical method which believes every student has limitless possibilities and they are the master of their own path. In this way, we can touch many lives around the world and focus our resources primarily on developing deeper Edutech through flip-school methodology.

Global Literacy

We teach over 20 languages important in the future such as English, AI, Finance, Coding, Etiquette, and more.

STEAM Education

We prep students from Healthcare to Aerospace and how to stay relevant in a world powered by technology.

Tech Focused Families

We design communities with a focus on nuclear families that utilize advanced resource planning and innovation.